Sector Overview


Water is a scarce resource with public authorities and industry under increasing pressure to be more efficient and innovative in how they deliver water services or use water in their operations. This pressure is increasing focus on alternative water sources, recycling, energy recovery and more efficient project and service delivery.

The Sphere team have deep experience in the public and private water sectors and have worked together on developing and delivering a number of complex water projects. We are familiar with the complexity of process risk, builder and operator interface and the needs and expectations of financiers. Sphere’s work also encompasses working with its clients to implement innovative project delivery models, commercial and partnering solutions, operating solutions, policy and financial frameworks to achieve sustainable outcomes.


Waste and the waste industry is under the spotlight. Sphere has a comprehensive knowledge of the waste sector and the full waste cycle, including collection, transfer, treatment, reuse and disposal. It is well versed in the impacts of the National Sword Policy and the opportunity for national recycling and circular economy opportunities. 

Sphere’s team members have worked in the industry for many years and have a comprehensive understanding of the environmental regulatory and compliance framework and regulations in each state and territory of Australia, including state and local council needs and expectations.


The demand for and cost of energy is rising, coupled with an increasing focus on sourcing energy from sustainable and renewable sources. 

Sphere is experienced in integrated environmental solutions offerings such as energy derived from waste and waste water. Sphere is well-placed to assist in the development and implementation of creative and sustainable energy solutions.